Norah, Norah, Norah:
What will we do with you? I think you have too much energy, too much feeling trapped inside your little self. Every day since we turned the clocks back last week you are back to waking up at 5:30 a.m. And it's not just waking up-it's waking way UP. I think you might wake up to try to cuddle with me before I get up in the morning. As soon as I'm done in the shower you make your way into the bathroom, and talk to me the WHOLE time I get ready in the morning. "Mommy, what's this for?" (mascara) "Mommy, can I wear your makeup? Mommy, I had a dream about Ariel last night. Mommy, pretend I am a princess and you are the prince. OK? Prince, oh Prince, where are you?" And so it goes.
I cherish the time we spend together just the two of us, and I get the feeling that's why you wake up so early, to steal a little time before Daddy and Fiona wake up. I just wish it wasn't on Saturdays as well!