Six months with no updates is, I suppose, a reflection of our very, very busy days, and I'm sure there are too many things have come and gone in this stretch of time that I haven't captured, like our summer memories!
Norah, you graduated from Preschool at St. Anne's back in May, a bittersweet day for us. Onward to big-girl school, and how your daddy and I struggled with our decision to put you in public school! Back and forth I would go on the decision, the teachers at St. Anne's were so sweet.
You started public Kindergarden in August, and since then, I have not looked back. I asked you just the other day if you miss St. Anne's, and how your new school is going, and you said "GREAT! I LOVE my new school", in your enthusiastic Norah way. You have a little friend Justin who is your prince and best friend, which is a step away from your usual girl friends.
It does not surprise me that you are doing well, you are so happy and outgoing in school. One morning when I walked you to school, you walked up to the door like you owned the place, waving this way and that at little friends everywhere. Your enthusiasm is contagious. And your reading skills! You have learned so much in the past 2 months in school, I am amazed. Perhaps part of it is a natural learning curve that has happened since turning five, but I think the formal Kindergarten learning environment is pushing you along really nicely. I am totally impressed at your ability to read words with me at story time. I'm noticing how you also are reading and pointing out signs when we go places, as well..."Mommy, that sign says 'OPEN'", and yes it does.
While Norah has been busy growing by leaps and bounds, and becoming a little girl, my sweet, sweet Fiona, I just want to keep you small forever, and the nice thing is, you still like to be my little 'baby' at times. After bath, I can still wrap you up in a towel, cradle you, and sing Rock-a-Bye Baby, and you love it! You 'pretend' to be a baby, but still, you love me singing to you, and say "Again Mommy", at least three times.
Just having turned three, you are so your own little person, with your own identity from your big sis. You go to the community center for a craft class, and for dance class, and you feel so grown up going off to your activities. While last year in preschool, you never spoke to anyone, this year you are making friends, and probably chatting every one's ears off. On the first day of your ballet class, while all of the little girls were lined up, in circle or listening to teacher, you were wandering around, looking out the window, truly dancing to the beat of your own drum. Will you stay that way? You are even more independent and strong-minded than your sister was, I wonder if that will always be a part of your personality.
Because I always ask Norah "How was school", and you are always there, taking all of the household activities in...recently on a Tuesday after your class, you came right into my office and didn't wait for me to ask and said, "Mommy, school was great", in your big-girl voice.
And of course I can't forget mentioning the new addition to our family, Mr. Duke. We adopted Duke back in April, so he's already been with us for 6 months. You girls love that dog so much! He certainly gets his fair share of hugs and kisses. Every now and then one of you will crawl into his kennel with him, as well. A little more mayhem in the chaos that is our household, the best is when you all start chasing each other in laps around the house.